Water Treadmill

By introducing water, you are creating a controlled yet non-concussive environment. The buoyancy of the water means you can ask the muscles and skeleton to work harder without any concussion whatsoever on the joints; this is vital if you are using the treadmill as part of a rehabilitation program. And for daily or intermittent conditioning it lessens the wear and tear on the skeletal and soft tissue.

The action through the water means all axis are working together, in a uniformed way, without the weight of a rider and the variable water depths and ability of unit to incline gives the opportunity to work on different muscle groups. With the depth of the water you have increased hydrostatic pressure which helps to increase circulation. The extensive filtration system provides a clean environment for successive treatments.  


  • Rehabilitation of tendon/ligament injuries
  • General conditioning for healthy horses
  • Relieves degenerative joint issues while training
  • Increased muscular effort without increased for
  • Kissing Spine and sore back conditions improve
  • Core strengthening
  • Relieves non-sweatercondition
  • Improves stride length and gait symmetry